Of mine

For a year and a half I created in this place a webcomic called "The Orb". It was a slow-plot, long comic that is still far from completion. It had its readers, I think, though I heard little from them.

I'm not sure what brought it to its end. One day, it just started to feel like homework. Maybe it was the writer's block I went into, maybe the events that perpetuated the block for a long, long time, maybe it was the lack of contact with my readers – though I think I may have known one or two. Eventually, though, the decision fell, and so I stopped working on it.

But this place remained – a silent memorial of something that still exists in my heart and that I might go into again someday – even if it is for the sake of one.

Still, it is unfitting that this place remained abandoned, and so I sought after a solution for it. For a while I thought that I will create another webcomic – and while this is a certainty, it is not something that will happen tomorrow. And so, I needed a filler, and a long one.

Eventually, the pictures on my PC multiplied – I am, after all, an active creator. So I thought that I might put a slow-update, one pic a week gallery here for you loyal enough to stick around and wait 'till a new project comes along. I already have two in my head.

Of me

For a long time I thought that my personal life was no busyness of those who are not in contact with me. I still think so, but I do wish to say a word or two about myself, personal beliefs and such.

I was born in Israel, and as I still live there, I think I might qualify for the title "Israeli". Yes, you can start accusing me of war crimes and such now. I still think that the failed peace process was one big blunder on both sides, and that things could have turned out different. But I cannot point to one place where it all went wrong. Maybe it was doomed from day one, maybe not.

Rabin, an advocate of peace, was murdered for his devotion. But his "legacy", as it was referred to by the left-wingers for two years, I think, is a left-wing invention designed to carry the banner of reconciliation at all costs under his coffin. Nevertheless, one of the prime reasons the peace is failing is because of the war-mongers on the Israeli side.

This is not to insinuate that the Palestinians were ok. Their corrupt, power-hungry mockery of a government, their reluctance to give up the sword, their blatant use of kids as shields and youth as bombs – it is they who are the aggressors here – they are not the victims. From day one they sought to drive us out, and I hope they have bled enough to have concluded that it is better to let us be.

Yeah well, enough about politics.

Of How I came to be an artist

So many people out there have been painting from the day they were born. It's amazing people like me still have some chance of doing anything artistic.

I consider myself one of a rare breed of painters and writers – those who have chosen at some point to pick up the pen and start painting. To do so while your high school notebooks are filled with past scribbles does not count, in my opinion – and so what I really mean is that you will see no painted work of mine in the distant past.

There is only one way to do this, if you haven't painted in the past. You have to output garbage, and draw and sketch and paint and be ok with it coming like shit. And while you might like your stuff now, in two months it'll look like shit. I think that "The Orb" has this quality of constant improvement. It is one of the reasons I am anxious to return to webcomicing (or comicing in general).

This is not to say that I was not attached to art. I have a need within me to create, and mostly I let it out in role-playing (yes, DnD is evil and all that crap).

I think the end result is that much of my stuff might seem premature, or academic or whatever. Maybe it's a result of my personality or something.

Anyway, I'll shut up now and let you watch some art. If you want to grab a hold on me, I suggest going to the Ponju.com forums or something. I'm a regular there. I am getting too much spam now and I wanna try removing my email from the web as an attempt to cut back on silly adverts for penis enlargement.

Do you think the fact I put the words "penis enlargement" on my website will actually draw readers? ;-)